Building web applications with Django involves setting up the environment, Django uses the MVT architecture,managing databases with the ORM, creating RESTful APIs, and implementing on platforms like AWS or Heroku.


Django Fundamentals

Introduction to Django, installation and setup, MTV architecture, project structure, URL routing, views, and templates with Django Template Language (DTL) etc.

Database and Models

Django ORM, defining models, migrations, relationships (One-to-One, One-to-Many, Many-to-Many), querying data, and admin panel customization etc.

Advanced Django Features

Forms and validations, user authentication, middleware, class-based views, REST API creation with Django Rest Framework (DRF), and third-party integrations etc.


Through live projects, you'll gain practical experience in developing web applications with Django, focusing on building efficient back-end systems, handling databases, and deploying full-stack solutions.


6 months